
Join us in building the future of Yemen


You are one of the few who realized that saving Yemen begins with improving the quality of the education system. If food security support preserves life at the present time, supporting programs for the gifted and talented students is a guarantee that poverty and crises will not continue in this country in the future.
Contributing to building and developing the capabilities of the gifted and talented students, is a long-term investment in securing the future of Yemeni people and their right to a secure and stable homeland.
Your support for our programs is evidence of your awareness of the pivotal role that quality education plays in saving Yemeni people from conflict to development and recovery.

طلاب موهوبين اثناء النشاط

Why to support Mawahib foundation?

Islamic values are our priority

We are keen to instill Islamic values and morals in our scholarship students so that they deal with life consciously in foreign countries.

We choose our students professionally

We select our students according to approved and judged talent criteria, among hundreds of students who apply with high transparency and professionalism.

We deal transparently with our supporters

We provide our supporters and partners with periodic reports on the programs and students they have supported, and we appreciate and listen carefully to their feedback.

We comply with applicable governance and laws

We are keen to renew our official permit on time, to audit the accounts through an independent office, and we also adhere to the standards of governance and anti-money laundering procedures.

Your support outlets…

Sponsorship of high school education for a talented student

Sponsorship of bachelor’s degree education for a talented student

Sponsorship of a training program for the talented students

Statistics of our students and alumni

Graduates of Hadhramaut Institute

Our university graduate students

Our students abroad

Our students studying at local universities

Dear Brother / Dear Sister

Take advantage of these great days by giving charity to these projects. Investing in the energies and powers of young people by contributing in giving them a decent education is the ultimate way to support our beautiful country, and getting us out of current crises. You are their partners in reward from God Almighty whenever they work, accomplish, and give back, God willing. This is a great door that has been opened for you, so congratulations to those who took the initiative…